April 9, 2011

Success...Characters welcomed

We often say that people are a product of their environments and the characters that surround them.  This statement seems broad to me, so I will break it down according to the effects that each character types has on personal success.  The types, or “-ers” as I like to call them, are listed from least important to most important.

5. Haters:  These people will either constantly berate your attempts at success out of jealously or just shear meanness. Think of your interactions with this character type as two rocks being struck against each other until there is a spark that leads to a fire.  That spark should be the birth of your desire to make the haters swallow their words.  Do not let this group derail you from your path.  Convert their negative energy into your fuel to succeed because they will always look for a flaw in whatever you do

4. Admirers: This group recognizes your efforts and small successes and look up to you because of them.  Admirers could be younger siblings, cousins, friends, etc.  Not only do they serve as an ego boost they also provide a basic positive reinforcement that you need to feel like you are making a difference.

3. Helpers: Like the admirers, the helpers notice the good work you do.  Unlike the previous group, they go a step farther by offering guidance in some manner.  Mentors, peers, and network connections can play this role.  These are the people whose input you should seek when you need help making a major career decision.

2. Believers: They offer an incredible amount of support because they believe that you have the right attitude, drive, etc. to succeed in your endeavors. In moments of disappointment, these are the people to keep nearby. Believers remind you of your most recent accomplishment so that we do not focus on the bump in the road but in the overall distance traveled thus far.

1. Challengers: I believe this group is the number one driver of success.  Without them, everyone would be content with the small wins, instead of continuing to chase the Mt. Everest size goal. Their comments are often constructive criticism, but sometimes those comments are so poignant they make you want to cry.  Without challengers, you do not push yourselves beyond your preconceived limits; without them, you enjoy the bliss of mediocrity.  The best thing about this group is that you can be your own challenger or someone else can be it

I have mentioned the five character types that I think are beneficial in leading to success.  These character types can be found in one person or multiple people; moreover, the same person can play the different roles at different times. It is up to you to recognize them and capitalize on what each one offers.

Is there is a character type you think should be on the list? Post a comment about that character and the reason we need them for success.

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